About us

40 Years of service – and still looking ahead.

Wrights ARC have been in business for over 40 years and have built a solid reputation in accident repair in Northern Ireland. We have seen many changes both in repair technology, materials and computerisation.

Whether your insurer wants you to take your vehicle to another repairer or not, you are perfectly entitled to insist on a repairer of your choice. The choice lies with the policyholder – it’s what you pay your insurance premiums for.

In our opinion you either repair correctly or you don’t. Wrights ARC have consistently chosen the manufacturers’ standard repair methods through the years. This has put us in good standing with insurance companies, brokers, fleet companies and the private motorist.

Call us on 028 9081 7181

Becoming an approved repairer for leading insurance companies means constant investment in modern equipment.

Wrights ARC have sites in Belfast, Dromore, Dundonald and Newtownabbey.

We never take for granted the stress that the accident repair process can cause for some customers. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the process is transparent and to ensure you are confident with your claims support. We also endeavour to keep you informed throughout the repair by text and email.

Registered Address
Brackenvale Business Park,
533 Saintfield Road,

028 9081 7181



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